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R4P Global resource initiative provides counseling, food, clothing, support services and linkages to communities and abroad.  R4P Global is also very active in communities galvanizing partnerships to include educational sectors, homeless shelters and initiatives, health organizations, grass root/civic groups, faith based organizations, state, local and other nations.

~ Changing peoples lives ~


R4P Christian wellness initiative is designed to assist individuals of all ages and lifestyles with developing a healthy spirit, soul and body. The wellness and fitness initiative is designed to eradicate the high prevalence rates that destroy humanity with the following illnesses and diseases: Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer, Strokes, Unhealthy Lifestyles and Other Related Health Changes.

~ Changing peoples lives ~


            E4    =>  EFFECT  UNITE   PROVIDE    LIBERATE


R4P Global uniqueness integrates a Christian ministry focus coupled with a humanitarian approach entailing partnerships from all 50 states and over 16 countries.  The ministry is diversified in culture and has multi-facet initiatives to EFFECT, UNITE, PROVIDE and LIBERATE individuals, families, communities and nations, thereby, acting as a catalyst for uniting and healing humanity.

~ Changing peoples lives ~

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